Wednesday 8 April 2020


Review is kind of exposition text.
Do you still remember our last subject about exposition text?
Exposition is kind of text that a person can take a point of view about an issue and argues for it. An exposition can be spoken or written like articles on newspaper or speech.
A review is another type of exposition where you give you opinion.
To review means to look back at something. It means to look critically at the elements that make it a good or bad work.
Your opinion as to whether it is worth reading or viewing is given. Your recommendation is also given.
To review something or people.
-          Use personal pronouns
-          Use adjective
-          Present tense and future tense to express the current view
-          Past tense if you write something from the past
-          Use emotive words
-          Conversational and less formal language is sometimes used
What can we review?

We can review a book of film or television program or a stage show or a song or a poem.

How we do a review?

In review you draw your own experience
In review you draw your own feeling.

·         Use persuasive language.
It can show if we like something or we dislike it
It can show if we are disappointed or think something is great
It can show if we think it’s fun time or a waste of time

·         Explain why
For example: I don’t like this song because …

·         Give your opinion
For example:  This song would have been better if…

·         Give reasons and evidence so that others can see why you hold your views.
For example: This song was better in … part… because …


You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You could be the one I’ll always love

You could be the one who listens
To my deepest inquisitions
You could be the one I’ll always love

I’ll be there as soon as I can
But I’m busy mending broken
Pieces of the life I had before

First there was the one who challenged
All my dreams and all my balance
She could never be as good as you

You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You could be the one I’ll always love

I’ll be there as soon as I can
But I’m busy mending broken
Pieces of the life I had before

Song review :
Name               : Unintended
Singer              : Muse
Recorded         : 1999
Composer        : Matthew Bellamy
Producer         : Paul Reeve, John Leckie
Publisher         : Taste media, Mushroom
Released          : 5 June 2000

I have many favorite songs, and this song is just one of them. First time I heard this song was when I was studying at the collage. I lived at a rent house together with my friends and we just had one radio there in my friend’s room. Every time we heard this song, we stood together around the radio and kept silent to enjoy this confusing romantic song. None of us understood what the song told us about. But we were crazy about it.
Today I am keeping this song in my MP3, but Abu said, ‘the harder we’ll get a thing, the precious it will be.’
He doesn’t like if I keep this song, it will be more special if we listen to it by chance. But I still keep this song without his knowing.
The other reason why this song is so special  because it always succeed to make me feel.
Once, I lost my inspiration when I write a short story, ‘Denver, I’m broken-Hearted’. I kept this story more than one year without ending. I was so confused how to end this story with the feeling of broken-heart. I tried to write the ending but I was failed. Till one day, when I tried again to complete my story, I was playing my MP3 and accidentally listening to this song. I repeated the song for many times. You know what’s happened then? I completed the story in an hour.
Next time, when I was really stuck to complete my poem, I just opened my MP3 and listened to this song and that poem was selected to be published in an anthology.
I recommend this song for this song is very enjoyable because the music has the high vibe and it also can touch the deepest heart. It can accompany you whether when you are doing the boring activities (e.g : when you finish your tasks) or accompany you to spend your gloomy lonely days.
However, I found myself confused with the title of this song, un-intend-ed.
Intend means have a plan, result, or purpose in your mind when you do something. While, un means ‘no’. So, unintended means unplanned things. It isn’t a good song at its meaning, perhaps but still it is a very recommended song to be listened.

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